What sets us apart

A when you look at schools, ask about the kinds of studies that they offer. Some schools are academic, aimed at teaching children plan. In 1801, our founder had a revolutionary idea and better conditions for every single pupil.

Visit our school and speak with our parents and staff for a more. to educate and empower young women. Vision of education inspire us today.

School values and excellence

Get ahead of the competition and discover trends before become yesterday’s news. Start today smarter than you yesterday.

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To explore, to reach higher, to experience the joy.

A day in the life. Please join us as we walk through a day of a Ed student. Request a tour ➜

Admissions to school starts in

School featured stories

Anunț de selecție experți proiect PNRAS

Nr. 274/05.12.2024 Școala Gimnazială Constantin Blănaru, Cornu Luncii, județul Suceava,…

Proiectul ”Busola cunoașterii textelor nonliterare în ghidarea realității” continuă cu succes

S-a desfășurat a treia etapă a proiectului ”Busola cunoașterii textelor…

Prevenirea și reducerea părăsirii timpurii a școlii la nivelul unității Școala Gimnazială “Constantin Blănaru”

Schema de Granturi: Programul Național pentru Reducerea Abandonului Școlar Beneficiar:…

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Get ahead of the competition and discover trends before become yesterday’s news. Start today smarter than you.

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Belief that a balanced education leads to a powerful life

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